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4 Dominican Luxury Hotels Selected among Forbes Travel Guide 2019 Star Award Winners

Forbes Travel Guide’s inspectors scoured the globe to discover the world’s best hotels, restaurants and spas for our 2019 Star Award winners. For the 61st annual list, we expanded to new destinations, including Anguilla, Bahrain, Belize, Danang, Doha, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hoi An, Istanbul, Oman, Perth, the Swiss Alps, Tel Aviv and Uruguay….

Punta Cana destination main driver of tourism in DR, received about 3.9 million travelers in 2018

Punta Cana International Airport recorded the largest cumulative increase in tourist arrivals in 2018, 270,616 additional travelers, representing an increase of 7.5% Punta Cana, Dominican Republic – The Punta Cana destination continues to be the main driver of Dominican tourism growth as it is observed that in 2018 experienced a record growth of 7.5%, receiving…

Rincón Bay will relaunch the Samaná destination with 7 new hotels and a luxury residential project.

The development belonging to the Hazuory family’s Abrisa Group will include 7 beachfront resorts for a total of 4,572 rooms, an 18-hole golf course, an equestrian course, and the real estate development, which will include residential units of 1,350 apartments and 439 luxury villas among many other exclusive services. The tourist destination Rincón Bay that…

Invierten US$119.5 millones en el turismo en Miches

Santo Domingo Diario Libre | miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018; Economía & Negocios La IFC, miembro del Grupo Banco Mundial, y BID Invest, miembro del Grupo Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), se han asociado para facilitar a Cisneros Real Estate una suma de US$119.5 millones en financiamiento para construir y operar Tropicalia, un desarrollo turístico…

Banco Popular y AFP Popular, premio a la transacción más innovadora en turismo

Asonahores reconoció la estructuración y financiamiento del Club Med Miches por US$108 millones Santo Domingo, D.N.- La Asociación de Hoteles (Asonahores) distinguió al Banco Popular Dominicano y a AFP Popular con el premio a la transacción más innovadora en favor de la industria turística, por haber liderado el proyecto para la estructuración y el financiamiento…

Moon Palace construction began at Punta Cana

  • Moon Palace Ground Breaking Event-8
  • Moon Palace Ground Breaking Event-1
  • Moon Palace Ground Breaking Event-7
  • Moon Palace Ground Breaking Event-6
  • Moon Palace Ground Breaking Event-4
  • Moon Palace Ground Breaking Event-2
  • Moon Palace Ground Breaking Event-5

Source: Florentino Duran- Listin Diario Punta Cana The Minister of Tourism, Francisco Javier García, defended on Thursday the project of construction of towers in the Moon Palace Punta Cana hotel and revealed that the whole sector agreed with this, which dates back more than 10 years. He indicated that the progress of tourism does not…

President will leads groundbreaking ceremony of the Moon Palace Hotel Punta Cana

President will leads groundbreaking ceremony of the Moon Palace Hotel Punta Cana Construction will employ 5,000 workers and will open in 2021 with 2,149 rooms Source: Listin Diario -Alicia Estévez, Cancun, 17 de noviembre 2018,   The Moon Palace Punta Cana hotel complex, from which its promoters, the Chapur Mexican family along with President Danilo Medina,…

VEN: Vive Experiencias Nuevas – Video producido por Banco Popular Dominicano

“VEN: Vive Experiencias Nuevas”. Se trata de una pieza artística que sumerge al espectador en un mundo sensorial que invita a conocer la República Dominicana como el destino turístico más importante del Caribe insular.     Explore el listado de tierras con vocación turística que tenemos en nuestra pagina haciendo click en el enlace siguiente:…