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luxury defined

Conclusiones del Estudio Mercado Inmobiliario de Lujo en República Dominicana de un Vistazo 2018

Conclusiones del Estudio Mercado Inmobiliario de Lujo en República Dominicana de un Vistazo 2018 Por Cesar J Herrera G, CEO Provaltur International Inc.  (Seguir este link para leer reporte completo:   A primera vista, y quizás algo normal luego de una crisis inmobiliaria mundial de más de 10 años, se van a necesitar: Mas y nuevos…

At a Glance: Defining Luxury Real Estate

A look at the world of luxury real estate in 2017 reveals a shifting, bifurcated marketplace following a period of sustained growth. Synthesizing data from over 100 luxury housing markets worldwide, this year’s Luxury Defined report uncovers the reasons behind the generally slowing sales, upward-moving prices, and shifting sentiment of high- and ultra-high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs…

Out of the Ordinary Homes

As the name suggests, we will present you with the most unique, extraordinary and exceptional properties  can can imagine. All of these properties have something in common, they provide a private island sensation. Like living in the edge ”literally”, oceanfront and private edges in the most exclusive and luxurious Caribbean escape of Dominican Republic!  …