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10 core values that make a brand luxury like Christie’s

After the recent Christie’s Conference for Luxury Real Estate Specialists, it got me thinking more about what exactly makes a brand “luxury.” To research the question, I found a section of the book, Putting the Luxe Back in Luxury: How New Consumer Values Are Redefining the Way We Market Luxury (Paramount Market Publishing, 2011), about…

Global luxury real estate market faces a unique moment in time

It is in this landscape that the global luxury real estate market faces a unique moment in time, as the post-recession frenzy has begun to settle or correct. In fact, in most global real estate markets today, we see a very healthy environment, with solid levels of inventory and a return to realistic absorption rates…

The Luxe Factor

  • Learn to surf at Macao
  • Be part of Art events
  • Hiking Puerto Plata Loma San Martin de Porres
  • Family Water sport
  • Working on a Vineyard
  • Harvest at Ocoabay with Family
  • Camping on our way to Pico Duarte
  • Basilica de Higuey
  • Aquarium tour
  • Dominican Pride
  • On top of Pico Duarte
  • Zona Colonial, Parque Colon
  • Teleferico Puerto Plata
  • Pescado Boca Chica
  • Hiking Ocoabay
  • Baseball Cheerleaders
  • Go to baseball game
  • A guided visit to Museum
  • photo instructor

Written by EDSA, extract from eReach – August 2016 Among affluent travelers, there is a general self-consciousness about over-indulgence and a move towards conscientious consumption. In terms of travel choices, luxury is no longer being defined by the degree of elegance, rather by the quality, authenticity, and personalized enrichment of the guest’s experience. It’s about…

New Affluent Buyers! Who are they?

The Rise of the Millenipreneur The health and pricing of luxury real estate markets are not always internationally fueled; the spending habits of local entrepreneurs also have an influence. Increasingly, where affluent millennial prime property buyers are to be found, so too are what Scorpio Partnership recently dubbed “millennipreneurs” —those of the millennial generation (born between 1980 and 1995) and active in entrepreneurship. Many of the…

How long does it take to sell a luxury home in the world’s top cities?

Luxury homes on average took 195 days to sell in 2015 across our surveyed prime property markets, an overall 23% decrease from the year prior In the majority of our surveyed markets, days on the market for luxury properties fell or remained constant in 2015 as compared to 2014. The average days on market for prime property worldwide was 195, a 23 percent drop from…

The Price of Luxury, From the Luxury Define White Paper 2016

The Price of Luxury Looking ahead to the remainder of 2016 and beyond, the global prime property market appears set to continue on a slow but steady growth cycle, with prices and sales volumes on an upward trend in some markets. Many premier global centers—as well as prized second-home resort destinations continue to command exceptional prices for prime property. A…

The 10 Best Ways to Retire in the Caribbean

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  Retiring well is a subjective matter. There are many stories about people who have either retired and expatriated to the Caribbean and are living well. But everyone’s experience is different. That’s why we’ve given you starting points and ideas — hopefully inspiring you to take the next steps toward your dream retirement. Here are 10…