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Punta Cana destino con más gasto de visitantes de la región, US$ 2,950 millones anuales [Infografía]

Punta Cana destino con más gasto de visitantes de la región, US$ 2,950 millones anuales [Infografía] En términos del gasto de los visitantes, Punta Cana lidera la región, seguida por Ciudad de México y Buenos Aires. Lima continúa encabezando el ranking latinoamericano, tanto en cantidad de viajeros internacionales como en cuanto a su índice de…

Luxury Specialist Conference Gallery 2016

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This week Provaltur International Inc. / Christie’s International Real Estate witnessed  The Christie’s International Real Estate 2016 Luxury Specialist Conference that took place at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington, D.C., September 21 to 23, 2016. This two-day networking and educational event is open to the most successful sales associates, marketing directors, and senior management from…

Punta Cana recibe 2,423,049 visitantes enero-agosto con un 7.1 % de crecimiento

Los aeropuertos que mostraron mayores incrementos en la llegada de pasajeros, en términos absolutos, fueron Punta Cana con 161,503, Las Américas con 36,632, Puerto Plata 19,571, El Catey 6,953 y La Romana con 2,393 visitantes adicionales   Punta Cana, R. Dominicana.-Durante el período enero-agosto del año 2016 la llegada al país de extranjeros no residentes,…

Global luxury real estate market faces a unique moment in time

It is in this landscape that the global luxury real estate market faces a unique moment in time, as the post-recession frenzy has begun to settle or correct. In fact, in most global real estate markets today, we see a very healthy environment, with solid levels of inventory and a return to realistic absorption rates…

Dominican Republic Tops 3 Million Visitors in First Half

The Dominican Republic reported more than 3 million stayover visitors in the first half of 2016, a new record for what is the Caribbean’s most popular destination by volume. The country saw 3.043 million arrivals, with 42.7 percent from the United States, 21.4 percent from the European Union and 18.3 percent from Canada. Overall, that…

The Art of Pricing at the Highest Levels

In last year’s edition of Luxury Defined, the $100 million price point was identified as a new benchmark for the world’s most unique and luxurious properties. Contrary to media reports questioning the staying power of such a price point, the proliferation of real estate sales at and above this benchmark, and similarly realized prices for artworks in 2015, confirm that there is a narrow but strong…

What price constitutes “luxury” around the world?

>> Download the full report. << A survey of real estate specialists in more than 100 property markets across the globe reveals an enormous difference in where the starting price for a “luxury” home begins. Brokers reported luxury prices ranging from under $1 million in Palm Springs to $10 million in Monaco. The starting benchmark for a luxury home around the world varies considerably, and…

Global Luxury Residential Real Estate Market: New 2016 Report

>> Download the full report. << Global Luxury Residential Real Estate Market: New 2016 Report From prime to ultra prime and beyond, the narrative surrounding international luxury real estate markets has become more and more complex over recent years. Amid an increasingly divergent backdrop of influences, the world of prime real estate continues to evolve alongside the…