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Finding the home of your dreams in the Dominican Republic can be as easy as…..

[social_share style=”circle” align=”horizontal” heading_align=”inline” text=”Share this and spread the word ” facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ google_plus=”1″ linkedin=”1″ pinterest=”1″ /]   As the only Certified CHRISTIE’S INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE LUXURY SPECIALIST in the Dominican Republic, I get the inside scoop on properties that aren’t always available online. This gives YOU an advantage over other buyers in the entire…

The world’s hottest luxury real estate market is…

The Canadian city of Toronto was the hottest luxury real estate market in 2014, bucking a slowing trend in the world’s top property hubs, according to a new report from Christie’s International Real Estate.  Also PROVALTUR is associated to Christie’s international Real Estate, and we sell the most luxurious properties in the Dominican Republic. Click…

The 6 Secret Reasons why you need Professional Photos to sell your Luxury home !

[social_share style=”circle” align=”horizontal” heading_align=”inline” text=”Share this video if you like it… ” facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ google_plus=”1″ linkedin=”1″ pinterest=”1″ /] Did you know that listings with professional photos sell for more money? Not only that, but they sell quicker.   WATCH This Short Animated Video Explainer       1.  ART DIRECTION The professional photo was the…

LUXURY DEFINED alrededor del Mundo – Version en Español: Un análisis global del mercado inmobiliario residencial de lujo.

Le exhortamos e invitamos a compartir este reporte:   [social_share style=”circle” align=”horizontal” heading_align=”inline” facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ google_plus=”1″ linkedin=”1″ pinterest=”1″ /] Si usted es el propietario, vendedor o comprador, un agente inmobiliario o broker especializado en lujo, un asesor financiero, reportero o columnista, un abogado especializado en bienes raices, un administrador de riqueza o simplemente esta interesado…

Qualifying Luxury Home Buyer Prospects: Why it’s important and how to do it

This short article tells you how to easily start the qualifying process with a simple “magic” question that won’t offend a serious buyer.  It also includes sample scripts — based on whether the prospects will be applying for a loan and need a lender, have their own source for mortgage money, or plan to pay…

Phil Collins buys Jennifer Lopez’s onetime Miami Beach mansion for $33 million – Christies International Real Estate

[social_share style=”circle” align=”horizontal” heading_align=”inline” facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ google_plus=”1″ linkedin=”1″ pinterest=”1″ /] Singer Phil Collins has bought the onetime Miami Beach mansion of  Jennifer Lopez for $33 million. The seller was healthcare exec Mark Gainor and his wife, Elyse, who bought the property from Lopez a decade ago. The 1.2-acre waterfront estate centers on a renovated 1929…

Become a Real Estate Agent for the Ultra Rich

[social_share style=”circle” align=”horizontal” heading_align=”inline” facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ google_plus=”1″ linkedin=”1″ pinterest=”1″ /] Become A Real Estate Agent For The Ultra Rich By Jean Folger Real estate agents who are generalists work with anyone on any type of real estate transaction. In contrast, specialists focus their efforts on one particular real estate niche – whether that’s fixer-upper Victorian…

OCOABAY celebra su Séptima Vendimia de uvas French Colombard

[social_share style=”circle” align=”horizontal” heading_align=”inline” facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ google_plus=”1″ linkedin=”1″ pinterest=”1″ /] Ocoa Bay celebra su séptima vendimia de uvas French Colombard   Para saber más sobre Ocoabay click AQUI El proyecto agro-turístico e inmobiliario apuesta por la eco-gastronomía y recupera cincuenta recetas tradicionales de la provincia de Azua para integrarlas a su oferta culinaria El primer desarrollo…

LUXURY DEFINED AROUND THE WORLD. An Insight into the Global Luxury Residential Real Estate Market

Share this report:  [social_share style=”circle” align=”horizontal” heading_align=”inline” facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ google_plus=”1″ linkedin=”1″ pinterest=”1″ /]   If you are a owner, a seller or  buyer, a luxury real estate agent or a luxury real estate broker, a financial adviser, a journalist, a estate lawyer, a wealth manager or simply interested in what is happening today in the…

Presentación Presidente Asonahores durante Feria Agroalimentaria 2015

[social_share style=”circle” align=”horizontal” heading_align=”inline” facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ google_plus=”1″ linkedin=”1″ pinterest=”1″ /] EL TURISMO COMO SOCIO TRASCENDENTE DE LA INDUSTRIA AGROALIMENTARIA   Presentación del Sr. Simón Suarez, presidente de ASONAHORES en la Feria Internacional de Alimentos, Tabaco y Bebida AGROALIMENTARIA 2015     Me complace acudir al escenario que nos ofrece la feria Agroalimentaria 2015 en mi…