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Frequently Asked Questions About Buying A Property In Dominican Republic

Frequently asked questions  about buying a property in Dominican Republic What are some major points of interest in the Dominican Republic? Points of interest include: Cabarete: Located on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic, this area has near ideal conditions for windsurfing and kiteboarding and is an internationally renowned destination for the enthusiasts of…

The Wave – Punta Aguila 28 Featured in Architectural Digest

Cuando usted coloca su propiedad en manos de Provaltur International Inc. / Christie’s International Real Estate hacemos hasta lo imposible para mostrarla al mundo entero. Un ejemplo mas es la publicación de The Wave en Architectural Digest. Su propiedad de lujo esta en mejores manos cuando nos confía su mercadeo y promoción. info@provaltur.com o 829…

The 10 Best Ways to Retire in the Caribbean

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  Retiring well is a subjective matter. There are many stories about people who have either retired and expatriated to the Caribbean and are living well. But everyone’s experience is different. That’s why we’ve given you starting points and ideas — hopefully inspiring you to take the next steps toward your dream retirement. Here are 10…

Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid, Pritzker Prize–winning Iraqi-British talent.

  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Screen Shot 2016-04-01 at 11.33.05 AM
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid
  • Provaltur remembers Architect Zaha Hadid

The Pritzker Prize–winning Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid—arguably the most famous female architect of her time—died yesterday morning in Miami. According to the architect’s firm, Hadid was being treated for bronchitis in a hospital when she suffered a sudden heart attack. She was 65. Swooping silhouettes and sharp angles have defined Hadid’s work across more than…

Cuando un campo de golf puede sumar o restarle valor a una propiedad de lujo?

  En la Republica Dominicana la gran mayoría de las propiedades de lujo se encuentran localizadas alrededor de campos de golf. De su localización en el mismo depende al final su mayor valor y facilidad de venta. Jeffrey D. Brauer de Golfscapes, analiza los aspectos positivos o negativos que pueden afectar el valor de una…

Oportunidades y desafíos del turismo 2016-2020

Por Enrique De Marchena Kaluche Publicado en el Periódico Listín Diario el 27 de Febrero, 2016 Las preguntas más frecuentes que he recibido en los últimos dos meses sobre el estado actual de la industria turística son: ¿Estamos tan bien como se dice? ¿Qué opinas sobre Cuba? Mis respuestas han sido consistentemente las mismas. Sí,…


  For the right buyer, a luxury home with an unusual feature—a circular floor plan or a dramatic cliffside perch, for instance—can lead to love at first sight. But in marketing a singular luxury estate to an increasingly global and diverse audience, highly distinctive attributes can be challenging to present in just the right way….

Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Santo Domingo, tendrá 400 habitaciones y Suites de lujo, ademas de ofrecer un moderno casino de clase mundial

Santo Domingo, RD.- Con la presencia del presidente de la República, Danilo Medina, ejecutivos de la cadena Hard Rock Internacional dieron hoy el primer picazo para el inicio de los trabajos de construcción de su segundo hotel y casino en el país. Nota: Provaltur dispone de los mejores terrenos en Santo Domingo y de playa…