Do brokerage alliances matter?

(Credit: Jean Porter) Both Sotheby’s and its main rival, Christie’s, have real estate ties – Christie’s via affiliated firms like Brown Harris Stevens in New York, and Sotheby’s through wholly-owned offices as well as affiliated brokerages. These affiliations are touted by property brokerage chiefs as an elite referral network that can generate buyer and…
Cómo determinar el valor de venta de una propiedad de LUJO

Primero, esta es la formula que usamos para determinar el valor de venta de una propiedad de lujo o cualquier propiedad importante. Aclaro primero que no es un ejercicio para determinar el “asking price” pero más bien una evaluación de los componentes de la propiedad mas algunas asunciones y ajustes subjetivos que debe arrojar un valor creíble y…
Phil Collins buys Jennifer Lopez’s onetime Miami Beach mansion for $33 million – Christies International Real Estate
[social_share style=”circle” align=”horizontal” heading_align=”inline” facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ google_plus=”1″ linkedin=”1″ pinterest=”1″ /] Singer Phil Collins has bought the onetime Miami Beach mansion of Jennifer Lopez for $33 million. The seller was healthcare exec Mark Gainor and his wife, Elyse, who bought the property from Lopez a decade ago. The 1.2-acre waterfront estate centers on a renovated 1929…