Investing in a property anywhere in the Dominican Republic, requires due diligence. While some prestigious resorts are known for its luxury properties and upscale amenities, there are several considerations to keep in mind:

1. **Research the Developer**: Not all properties are developed by the same entity. It’s essential to research the reputation and track record of any developer you are considering buying from. Check for their past projects and ask for references.

2. **Legal Due Diligence**: The process of buying property in another country can be different than what you’re accustomed to. Ensure you work with a reputable local attorney who is familiar with the real estate laws and processes in the Dominican Republic. They can help you ensure that property titles are clear, there are no liens on the property, and the purchase process is transparent.

3. **Resale Value**: As with any investment, consider how easy it might be to sell the property in the future. While the 3 big well-known resorts are upscale, the luxury property market can be more volatile than the broader real estate market.

4. **Market Dynamics**: Understand the local property market. Are prices trending upwards or downwards? What’s the demand like for properties in Dominican Republic? This will help you gauge whether you’re making a good investment or potentially overpaying.

5. **Maintenance Costs**: Luxury properties, especially in resort areas, can come with high maintenance costs. Factor in homeowners’ association fees, property management (if you’re not living there year-round), and other related expenses.

6. **Natural Hazards**: The Caribbean is prone to hurricanes and tropical storms. Understand the risks associated with these natural events, the construction standards of the property you’re interested in, and the insurance costs.

7. **Economic and Political Stability**: While the Dominican Republic has enjoyed relative stability, it’s essential to be aware of any economic or political issues that could impact your investment.

8. **Future Development**: Research any future development plans in or around the resort you are investing in. While new developments can sometimes increase property values due to added amenities, they can also impact views, access, and the overall ambiance of the area.

9. **Rentability**: If you’re considering renting out the property when you’re not using it, look into the rental market in each particular resort. What are the average occupancy rates, rental yields, and are there any restrictions or licenses required?

10. **Personal Usage**: Think about how often you’ll be using the property. If it’s only for a few weeks a year, does it make financial sense? Would a rental or timeshare provide a better value?

In conclusion, while the 3 big resorts are undoubtedly a luxurious and attractive place to own property, thorough research and due diligence are essential. It’s always recommended to work with trusted local professionals, including real estate agents, attorneys, and financial advisors, to guide you through the investment process.