There are currently several real estate listings in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic available to peruse on our website Best of all, we have listings available for many different areas on the resort’s property. From the beachfront houses available in Corales to the unique villas in the Hacienda, there is something available for everyone. How do you fit into our master plan for PUNTACANA?
Forty-five years ago, PUNTACANA was nothing but a jungle. Today, there is a private international airport with a VIP lounge, multiple golf courses, and an award-winning spa, all of which are available to residents of the Estate. And, all of these features are designed to improve the quality of life for residents. As residents say time and time again, PUNTACANA provides a beautiful atmosphere that allows you time to relax and get away from your busy life but still enjoy your family and the sense of community that everyone needs.
We’re not done adding to our property either. Just recently, the PUNTACANA Tennis Center opened with 14 private tennis courts, including a tournament court. The courts are centrally located and are accessible to all of the residents of the Estate. Likewise, six villas and Bamboo restaurant are getting a makeover by none other than Oscar de la Renta himself, and Punta Cana International Airport is also expanding to accommodate new, diverse locations to make for an easier experience traveling to PUNTACANA.
As you can see, the Estate at PUNTACANA can offer much more than a wonderful vacation. You can make the relaxing Dominican lifestyle your own. And, while you’re relaxing, you might just find yourself taking up tennis, kite surfing, or hiking, all of which will be available in walking distance from your new home.