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Global Luxury Residential Real Estate Market: New 2016 Report

From prime to ultra prime and beyond, the narrative surrounding international luxury real estate markets has become more and more complex over recent years. Amid an increasingly divergent backdrop of influences, the world of prime real estate continues to evolve alongside the changing lifestyles, shifting financial objectives, and other diverse preferences of the people who purchase these high-value homes.

In this year’s Luxury Defined report, we look beyond the headlines and offer fresh perspectives on how macroeconomic factors are impacting prices, inventory, and sales in the prime property market. The report examines data from our affiliates in more than 100 prestige real estate markets worldwide and sets global benchmarks by ranking the top 10 cities for luxury property (Luxury Index) as well as the top 10 performing markets (Luxury Thermometer).

View highlights from the report:

  • Auckland ranks as the “hottest” luxury real estate market worldwide, followed closely by Toronto, Victoria B.C. and Valencia.
  • What does US $5M buy around the world? Check what 5MM can buy in Dominican Republic.
  • Art and other “passion assets” are taking center stage in luxury homes like never before.
  • London ranked as the most luxurious real estate market for the fourth consecutive year. Singapore joined the top ten annual rankings for the first time.

>>Download the full report.<<


Also, if you find a moment, discover the new properties we have added to our portfolio that included some of the finest luxury properties in the Dominican Republic